Competition regulations
Moscow, October 8-16, 2024
- These regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) regulate the procedure for organizing and conducting the XXVII International Glinka competition of vocalists (hereinafter referred to as the Competition), determines the timing and location of the Competition, requirements for participants in the Competition, the procedure for submitting applications, the procedure for conducting the Competition, financial conditions, prizes and awards, as well as special conditions of the Competition.
- The purpose of the Competition is to identify young talents in the field of academic singing, preserve and further develop the cultural heritage of Russia, and popularize classical vocal art.
- Objectives of the Competition:
- identification of young talents in the field of academic singing;
- popularization of classical vocal art in Russia;
- creating opportunities for professional growth of young singers;
- strengthening international relations and cooperation in the field of professional vocal art.
- The Competition is held from October 8 to October 16, 2024 at the Moscow concert hall ‘Zaryadye’ (Moscow, Varvarka str., 6, bldg. 4).
- The Competition is held with the support and funds of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, as well as other partners and sponsors.
- The jury of the Competition is formed from among the authoritative experts in the field of academic vocal art: singers, teachers, conductors, heads of musical and theatrical organizations, opera managers of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.
- The Chairman of the Jury of the XXVII International Glinka competition of vocalists is People’s Artist of Tatarstan, Merited Artist of the Russian Federation Albina Anvarovna Shagimuratova.
- The Competition is held in 2 stages: the first stage is the qualifying round (extramural); the second stage is intramural rounds (I round, II round and the Final).
- The qualifying round consists of:
- consideration of the participant’s application and competition program (clause 2.5);
- watching a video recording of the participant’s performance (clause 2.6).
- Based on the results of the qualifying round and the decision of the selection committee formed from the members of the Competition jury, participants who have scored the highest number of points are allowed to participate in the first intramural round – no more than 60 vocalists (30 men and 30 women).
- The Regulations on the Competition are published on the official website of the Competition
- The Organizing Committee reserves the right to amend the Regulations with the mandatory publication of the updated document on the official website of the Competition
- E-mail of the Competition:
- Social networks of the Competition:
- Vocalists who are no younger than 19 years old and no older than 33 years old inclusive at the opening of the Competition (October 8, 2024) are allowed to participate in the Competition.
- The laureates of the previous International Glinka competitions of vocalists are not entitled to participate in the Competition.
- To participate in the qualifying round of the Competition, from March 4 to June 15, 2024 (before 23:59 Moscow time) you must fill out the electronic application form posted on the official website of the Competition
- The electronic application form includes a questionnaire, a link to a video recording and a competition program.
- The application must be filled in Russian or English. The questionnaire must specify:
- full name, date of birth;
- voice type (soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, baritone, bass, countertenor);
- citizenship, country and city of residence;
- scanned passport (page with basic information and registration);
- phone, e-mail;
- place of study or work;
- creative biography (up to 1000 characters);
- Two different color portrait-type photographs in jpeg format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi for placement in the booklet and on the Competition website;
- a scan of a document on musical education (diploma, student ID, certificate from the place of study or postgraduate certificate);
- the competition program for rounds (in Word);
- full name and phone number of the concertmaster;
- the need for the services of an on-duty concertmaster on the intramural rounds of the Competition;
- the need to book accommodation for the II round of the Competition in Moscow.
- A link to a video recording of 3 (three) musical pieces (from the program of the I round) is attached to the application:
- An aria from an opera, cantata or oratorio of the XVII-XVIII centuries by one of the following composers: J.S. Bach, A. Vivaldi, H. Purcell, G. Handel, C. Gluck, J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart.
- Aria from an opera by one of the following composers of the XIX-XX centuries: Glinka, Dargomyzhsky, Borodin, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Donizetti, Bellini, Rossini, Verdi, Gounod, Delibes, Saint-Saens, Bizet, Leoncavallo, Puccini, Mascagni, Cilea.
- One Glinka romance of the participant’s choice.
- Video recording requirements:
- the video must be posted via a single private link on YouTube;
- the video recording must be shot from a single point on a fixed camera without interruptions during the performance of one piece and display the participant in full height, as well as the piano and the concertmaster (view from the auditorium);
- the musical pieces must be performed in the original language, in the original key and by heart;
- the video recording must be of high quality (at least HD or 1280×720);
- video editing is only possible in terms of connecting the program numbers to each other, sound editing in the video is prohibited;
- videos filmed during 2024 are accepted.
- The application indicates the competition program for the intramural rounds in accordance with the Competition Program. The competition program declared by the participant for participation in the Qualifying round is not subject to change.
- The program of the musical pieces in the video recording submitted by the participant must duplicate the program of the I round.
- The list of participants admitted to the second stage – the I round of the Competition – will be published on the official website and social networks of the Competition on July 15, 2024 .
- No later than July 15, 2024, an official invitation to the Competition will be sent to all participants who have passed the I round.
- Incomplete applications or applications without the documents listed above will not be accepted for consideration. The materials submitted for the Competition will not be returned.
- The Organizing Committee sends the participants a confirmation of receipt of the above documents.
- Changes to the participant’s competition program are allowed only until September 1, 2024. Further changes are allowed only with the consent of the jury.
- If the participant needs the services of an on-duty concertmaster, it is necessary to send the notes of the musical pieces of the I and II rounds in electronic form by September 1.
- The competition is held in 2 stages: the first stage is the qualifying round (extramural); second stage – intramural rounds (I round, II round, Final).
- Auditions of intramural rounds are held publicly. The competition tests of the I and II rounds are accompanied by a piano, the Final is accompanied by a symphony orchestra.
- Will be allowed to participate:
- in the first round – no more than 60 vocalists (30 men and 30 women);
- in the second round – no more than 25 participants (without gender division);
- in the Final of the Competition – no more than 11 participants (without gender division).
- The order of performances of the participants in the first round is determined by drawing lots and remains until the end of the Competition. Changing the order of performances is allowed only for valid reasons in agreement with the jury members.
- All participants who received an official invitation to participate in the I round are required to take part in registration and drawing lots, according to the Competition schedule. Failure to appear for registration and the drawing lots for the Competition may serve as a refusal to participate in the Competition.
- Participants can perform at the Competition with their concertmaster, or with an on-duty concertmaster proposed by the Organizing Committee free of charge, which participants must indicate in the Application.
- Participants performing with the concertmaster on duty are provided with 1 (one) 45-minute rehearsal before the I and II rounds.
- Participants will be provided with rehearsal rooms and time for acoustic rehearsals before each round on the stage of the concert hall where the Competition will be held.
- All musical pieces must be performed by the participants of the Competition by heart, in the original key and in the original language.
- Each musical piece can be performed only in one round (the exception is the qualifying round).
- The participant determines the order of performance of the musical pieces independently.
- The participant applying for the award “For the best performance of the musical pieces by M.I.Glinka” must perform the musical piece by M.I. Glinka in each round.
- If musical pieces are included in the Final round program, the score and orchestral voices of which are not in the music library of the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra, the participant provides the musical material (score and orchestral voices) upon registration. If this condition is not met, the participant is not allowed to register.
- The Competition is held in accordance with the schedule published on the Competition website.
- The results of the audition rounds are announced at the end of each round.
- Participants may not contact any of the jury members during participation in the Competition. Any violation of this rule may result in the participant’s disqualification.
- After each round, members of the jury have the right to discuss the performances with participants who did not qualify for the next round.
- By decision of the Organizing Committee of the Competition, no entry fee is charged from participants.
- The participants pay their own transportation costs.
- The participants of the II and III rounds are provided with hotel accommodation.
- The payment for accommodation of participants is terminated the next day after the announcement of the results of the round, if the participant is not admitted to the next round of the Competition. The participant pays for the further stay in Moscow independently.
- The participants who have received an invitation to participate in the first round of the Competition and live in a country that has a visa regime with the Russian Federation must independently apply to the Consulate of the Russian Federation for a visa. The Organizing Committee of the competition undertakes to provide all necessary invitations, but is not responsible for obtaining a visa and related costs.
- The Organizing Committee of the Competition does not undertake any obligations regarding the persons accompanying the participants of the Competition.
- In the case of a performance with his own concertmaster, the participant of the Competition bears all expenses for his invitation and accommodation.
- The Organizing Committee of the Competition announces the following prizes and awards:
- Grand Prix of the Competition – 2,000,000 rubles;
- The first Prize and the title of the Laureate of the Competition (male and female) – 1,500,000 rubles each;
- II Prize and the title of the Laureate of the Competition (male and female) – 1,000,000 rubles each;
- III Prize and the title of the Laureate of the Competition (male and female) – 500,000 rubles each;
- IV Prize and the title of the Laureate of the Competition (male and female) – 300,000 rubles each;
- Diploma and the title of the Diploma Holder of the Competition (male and female) – 150,000 rubles each;
- Two prizes for the “Best concertmaster” of the Competition – 100,000 rubles;
- Special prize “For the best performance of a romance by M.I. Glinka”;
- Special prize “The best mezzo-soprano” (in honor of Irina Konstantinovna Arkhipova);
- Special prize “For the best performance of a folk song”.
- The winners of the Competition undertake to participate free of charge in 2 (two) concerts: at the Smolensk Regional Philharmonic named after M.I. Glinka in October 2024, in one of the Moscow concert halls during 2025.
- Prizes are paid in rubles by transfer to the competitor’s bank account.
- According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08/05/2002 No. 297, the prize of the International Glinka competition of vocalists is included in the List of international, foreign and Russian awards for outstanding achievements in science and technology, education, culture, literature and art, the amounts of which received by taxpayers are not subject to taxation.
- Depending on the results achieved by the participants of the Final and within the established number of prizes, the Jury has the right to:
- award not all prizes;
- divide the prizes between the finalists (except for the Grand Prix).
- The decisions of the Competition jury are final and are not subject to revision.
- In agreement with the Organizing Committee, it is possible to establish special and additional prizes by other state, commercial, public or creative organizations, both Russian and foreign.
- The application is evidence that the participant of the Competition fully accepts and undertakes to comply with the conditions set out in these Regulations.
- The Application is a consent to the processing of the Participant’s personal data.
- The Organizing Committee of the Competition reserves the right to use all information materials and photographs sent by participants to provide them to the media.
- All rights to broadcast, audio and video recordings during the Competition, as well as the sale and distribution of these materials, belong to the Organizer.
- The guests of the Competition are representatives of the media, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens who have purchased tickets to the events of the Competition or received an invitation from the Organizing Committee of the Competition.
- At the time of the Competition, participants must not have any professional or other obligations that would interfere with or prevent their participation in the Competition according to the approved schedule and drawing lots procedure.